Allendale Nature Rambles
The countryside in Leitrim is without doubt a high quality natural resource that changes as the seasons change. What you are likely to see on a walk can be in response to the weather at the time of year and may change as quickly as the Irish weather changes.
The drumlin landscape of Leitrim beckons, with it’s little hills and valleys, the peaceful tracks, the unspoilt scenery, the babbling brooks, the animals grazing, the boats passing through the locks, the lambs at play, the badgers foraging, the cuckoo’s call, fox cubs peeping through the ferns, the lark on the wing, donkeys braying, otters catching fish, a cock pheasant rising, a mallard trying to hide in the reeds and a painted lady butterfly lands on your sandwiches as you are resting. Where would you be going today? Put on the walking boots and bring the sun barrier with you and don’t forget the sandwiches! Allendale B&B is on the R201 in Carrigallen. We’re waiting!
Allendale B&B has a variety of walks to suit all levels of fitness and slow guided walks to suit nature lovers that we call rambles. The rambles are led by an experienced walker and nature expert.
If you want to walk independently, you will get free maps in Allendale B&B.
To book the rambles or any guided walk, please ring 086-0621634 as the guide walks on Saturdays and Sundays. Please book one day in advance, the minimum number of walkers together is 5.
How to begin your WALK or NATURE RAMBLE:

Ramblers/walkers assemble at Allendale B&B where refreshments are available and maps given to walkers. All walkers and ramblers can view a special DVD of the present flora and fauna of this area before starting out. Anyone can learn how to identify a bird, mammal, amphibian, butterfly, insect, flower, plant, tree or shrub from the Allendale Nature Rambles DVD, but to find them on the walk or ramble is very rewarding. Please note: You must book the guide, charges are reasonable.
Rambles and walks should be booked one day in advance: 086-0621634